This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Evaluation Form Link

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Word Processing Activity 6


What you will practice or learn:
Ø  Moving blocks of text using drag and drop or cut and paste
Ø  Review of Fairytales! 
Ø  Adding clip art (find the text doggie!)
Ø Changing margins
Ø Line Spacing

1.       Open a Word Document.  Go to File - Page Set-up and change the margins to 1.5” on all sides.
2.       Set the font size to 16 point.
3.       Type your name. Hit Enter. Type Activity 6.  Hit Enter twice.
4.       Type the following mixed-up quotes from fairytales as shown below:
(If you type the a. to begin the first sentence, the computer will automatically letter each one as you go.) Don’t forget to use quotation marks (Left of the Enter key)

a.      Little Red Riding Hood said, “I am bruised all over from that bed.”
b.      The giant said, “Grandmother, what big eyes you have!”
c.       The princess said, “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.”
d.      The fairy godmother said, “Fe Fi Fo Fum. I smell the blood of an Englishman.”
e.      The little pig said, “Someone’s been sleeping in my bed.”
f.         Papa Bear said, “You must be home by midnight.”

5.       Now take each quote and put the correct saying with the correct person who said it.  Use drag and drop or cut and paste. (To drag, select words to move, left click on it and HOLD it down while dragging the words to a new location.)

6.       Select the whole block of quotes.  Go To Format – Paragraph.  In the middle of the window, find LINE SPACING.  Hit the down arrow, and click on Double.  There is also a Line Spacing Icon on the row of buttons.  Can you find it?

7.       Add a piece of clip art to illustrate each one of the fairytales.  Insert the clipart next to the appropriate fairytale text in either the right or left margin.  The pictures will have to be sized smaller.  You must remember to “text doggie” on “behind text” from the picture toolbar or you won’t be able to move the picture after inserting it. Using “Behind Text” means the picture will not disrupt the writing.

       8. Save as Activity 6.  

Monday, August 25, 2014

Word Processing Activity 5

Skills to review or learn:
·        Using the TAB key
·        Setting margins
·        Changing font size, style
·        Using bold, italic, and underline
·        Adding clip art

1.  Open a new Word document.  Change the margins to .5” on both sides.  (That’s ½”, NOT 5 inches!)  Change the font size to 16 point.

2.  Type your name.  Hit ENTER once.  Type Activity 5.  Hit ENTER twice.

3.  Type the word  Character.  Hit TAB three times.  Type the word Movie.  Hit TAB five times.  Type the word Description.  Hit ENTER twice.

4.  Using the same format as in #3, type in the following information using the TAB key between sections.  Hit ENTER only once between each line (single spacing).
You may have to adjust the number of times you hit TAB to line up each column.

Yoda                                       Return of the Jedi                 Jedi Master
Luke Skywalker                     A New Hope                          Son of Darth Vader
Hans Solo                              Return of the Jedi                 Intergalactic Smuggler
Padme Amidala                     The Phantom Menace         Queen of Naboo

5.  Underline and Bold the words Character, Movie, and Description.

6.  Italicize the Movie Titles in the center column.

7.  Add a clip art picture of a space ship at the bottom of the page.

8.  Save as Activity 5

Word Processing Activity 4

What you will practice or learn:
1)    Font Effects
2)    Alignment
3)    Line Spacing
4)    Numbering

Open a Word Document.  Type your name. Hit ENTER
once. Type Activity 4. Hit ENTER twice.
Change to any BASIC font (no cursive), size 14 point.
Type the following title and paragraphs as written (use word wrap).

Amelia Island
While a remote tropical isle may be the ultimate winter escape, you need only head to the northeasternmost tip of Florida for an unspoiled, unpretentious  refuge.  Framed by 40-foot dunes, Amelia Island’s white sand beaches are remarkably uncrowded in mid-winter, in contrast to their more southerly counterparts.

You’ll also find plenty of fishing – on the island and offshore – bird watching, and horseback riding, and about 120 holes of that famous Sunshine State golf.  At sunset, make your way to the downtown docks for the shrimp fleet’s return to Fernandina Harbor.

Hit ENTER twice.  Type the following list of big words used in these paragraphs:

5. Center the title Amelia Island and increase it to size 18 font. Hit ENTER again.
6. RIGHT Align the first paragraph. (You must highlight the paragraph first)
7. JUSTIFY the alignment in the second paragraph.
8. Highlight both paragraphs. Go to FORMAT – PARAGRAPH.  Find LINE SPACING in the middle of the window and change from single space to 1.5 spacing.
9. Go to FORMAT – FONT.  Change the font effects of each word in the list as follows:  (Effects are found in the middle of the window.  Effects are NOT the font style!)
                  Remote – Change to red font color
                  Unpretentious – Strikethrough
                  Contrast – Small Caps
                  Counterparts – Outline
                  Southerly – Underline with a dotted line
10. Highlight the whole list of words. Go to FORMAT – BULLETS & NUMBERING.  Click on Numbering and select a style of numbering for your list.

11. SAVE as Activity 4 ex. (Activity4_John Brixton).

Word Processing Activity 3

What you will learn or practice:
·    Setting Margins
·    Changing font size
·    Changing alignment
·    Using bold print
·    Typing a paragraph with word wrap
·    Spell checking
·    Copy and paste

1.  Open a Word document.  Click on FILE- PAGE SET-UP.  Change the margins to the following: top and bottom = 2 inches, left and right = 2 inches.  Click on OK.
2. Change the font to Lucida Console, size 14 point, and type your name.
3. Change your name to bold print.
4. Center your name horizontally between the margins. (CENTER ALIGN)
5. Press the ENTER key once.  Take OFF bold print.
6. Type Activity 3.  Press the ENTER key twice.
7. Change the font to Times New Roman, size 12 point.
8. Change to LEFT ALIGN.
9. Type the paragraph below, with errors included, using word wrap (Do not hit enter at end of line).  The computer may automatically correct some of your errors.  That’s ok.  Hit ENTER when you are all done with the paragraph.

Did you spel this correctly?  The spell checker may notice double
words.  Proper names such as as George, Tom, and Leessa may
cause the spell checkr to display a message.  You may be able to
use a suggest buton so that you do not have to type each corection.

10. Use the spell checker to check for errors.  Every red underlined word shows a potential error.  Place the cursor on the word and right click.  The computer will give you suggestions for changes.  Click on the correct change.  Another way to spell check is to click on the ABC icon on the Menu Bar with the checkmark OR click on Tools-Spelling and Grammar from the Menu Bar.  Put cursor at end of paragraph.  Hit ENTER twice.
11. Change to size 14 point.  Type your first, middle, and last name.
12. Select your name.  Copy and paste your name four MORE times, so you end up with a LIST of five times.  There are three ways to copy and paste:
·   Edit – Copy – Paste.
·   Control-C for Copy and Control-V for paste.
·   Mouse Right click – copy, mouse right click –paste.
13. Change each version of your name in the list to a different font and a different size.
14. Save as Activity 3 and write your fullname ex. (Activity 3_John Brixton).

Word Processing Activity 2

What you will practice:
·   Creating a centered list
·   Using the horizontal centering command
·   Using bold, italic, and underline features
·   Changing font and font size

1.  Open a new Word document.  Change to Arial, Size 12, and type your name.  Hit ENTER one time.
2. Type Activity 2.  Hit ENTER two times.
3. Change the alignment to CENTER.  (Alignment icons at the top of the screen in the menu bars. )  READ THROUGH THE DIRECTIONS BEFORE CONTINUING!
4. In a list form, type the words on the left side where it says “What to Type”.  Use Upper and Lower case letters as shown in the sample.  Press the ENTER key at the end of each line (twice when a blank line is indicated.)  DO NOT TYPE THE WORDS “BLANK LINE”!!!
5. Change the font sizes and special formats as shown in the right column.  Check the sample on the back side frequently.
6. Save as Activity 2 and write your fullname ex. (Activity 2_John Brixton).
WHAT TO TYPE:                                          HOW TO TYPE IT

EXERCISES                                                 Size 24 point, bold, all caps.
            Blank line
Monday                                                          Size 20, underline
            Blank line
Chest                                                             Size 16, italic and bold
            Blank line
Bench Press                                                 Size 14
Push-ups                                                      Size 14
Flies                                                               Size 14
            Blank line                            
Abdomen                                                       Size 16, italic and bold
            Blank line
Negative sit-up                                             Size 14
Crunch                                                          Size 14
Hip lift                                                             Size 14
            Blank line
Wednesday                                                   Size 20, underline
            Blank line
Back                                                               Size 16, italic and bold
            Blank line
Lateral raise                                                  Size 14

Rowing                                                          Size 14


Word Processing Activity 1

What you will learn:

Changing font and size
Changing alignment
Using bold and underlining
Typing using word wrap (soft return)

1. Open a blank Word document.
2. Change to Arial style font, size 14.  (Font style and size are located in the upper tool bar.)
3. Type your name (first and last).  Hit ENTER once.
4. Type Activity 1.  Press ENTER key two times.
5. Type the name of your school in a different font and use size 18 point.  Press ENTER key two times.
6. Change the font to Times New Roman size 16.
7. Type the following paragraph using word wrap. Word wrap means you DO NOT hit the enter key at the end of a line.  Let the computer move to the next line when it is ready.  Do not indent.  At the end of each paragraph, press the ENTER key two times.

Master Yoda says that fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.  Master Yoda is very smart.
Emperor Palpatine said that a Jedi gains power through understanding and a Sith gains understanding through power.
8. Type your name once again.  Underline it.  Italicize it.  Bold it.
9. Change the first paragraph to right alignment.  (Alignment icons are to the right of B I U series.) Hold your cursor on top of them to read which one is which.)
10.   Change the second paragraph to justified alignment.
11.   Center your name at the bottom using the centering alignment icon.
12.   Make the school name Bold.  (Use the B icon.).
13.   Turn page over and proofread your assignment activity.
14.   Save as Activity 1 and write your fullname ex. (Activity 1_John Brixton).


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Excel Quiz 1

1. Type in all text and numbers shown in the spreadsheet.
2. Format  numbers with no decimal places.
3. Create a formula that calculates the cost for each items.
4. Create a formula that calculates the total cost, average total cost and percentage cost.

Friday, July 4, 2014


Monday, March 17, 2014


To all my bcs 111 and 112 students. Sorry for not uploading your grades here in our blog, there seems to be a problem when uploading large images. On the other hand, you can now visit me in the Information and Publicity Office (IPO) to check for your grades. Grades for BCS 112 and BCS111 sat 8-11 and 1-4 pm are already done while for BCS111 8-9PM and TTH 7-8:30PM is will be reviewed. Please visit me before Friday march 21, 2014 is the submission of grades to the registrars office. Thank you and God Bless!

Friday, February 14, 2014

MS Word Activity 1 - 4

Exercise1 - Working with
Font size, colors and faces

1. Type your first and last name.
2. Select your whole name.
3. Change the font color to blue.
4. Change the font to “Lucinda Handwriting.”
5. Change the font size to 72.
6. Type your street address.
7. Select your address.
8. Change the color of your address to red and the font size to 18.
9. Change the font of your address to “Tahoma”.

Exercise 2 – Working with
For this activity you may be required to search in the internet.
1.Prepare a three paragraph story:
2. 1st paragraph should be align left.
3. 2nd paragraph should be align center.
4. 3rd paragraph should be align right.

Exercise 3 - Working with
Text & Images (Text Wrapping)

1. Look for any picture
2. Paste it into your document and format it as a background image of your contents.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Activity - 1 - Internet Search

1. Create your own email address(if you have not created your email account). Write your EMAIL ADDRESS only on a separate sheet of paper. Please follow the standard format for your email address.

2. Visit at least 5 Websites and get the following details:

a. What search engine you use for searching?

b. Get the URL or the Website address.(ex.

c. Brief information about the website (at least two sentences.)