Monday, August 25, 2014

Word Processing Activity 5

Skills to review or learn:
·        Using the TAB key
·        Setting margins
·        Changing font size, style
·        Using bold, italic, and underline
·        Adding clip art

1.  Open a new Word document.  Change the margins to .5” on both sides.  (That’s ½”, NOT 5 inches!)  Change the font size to 16 point.

2.  Type your name.  Hit ENTER once.  Type Activity 5.  Hit ENTER twice.

3.  Type the word  Character.  Hit TAB three times.  Type the word Movie.  Hit TAB five times.  Type the word Description.  Hit ENTER twice.

4.  Using the same format as in #3, type in the following information using the TAB key between sections.  Hit ENTER only once between each line (single spacing).
You may have to adjust the number of times you hit TAB to line up each column.

Yoda                                       Return of the Jedi                 Jedi Master
Luke Skywalker                     A New Hope                          Son of Darth Vader
Hans Solo                              Return of the Jedi                 Intergalactic Smuggler
Padme Amidala                     The Phantom Menace         Queen of Naboo

5.  Underline and Bold the words Character, Movie, and Description.

6.  Italicize the Movie Titles in the center column.

7.  Add a clip art picture of a space ship at the bottom of the page.

8.  Save as Activity 5


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