Friday, February 14, 2014

MS Word Activity 1 - 4

Exercise1 - Working with
Font size, colors and faces

1. Type your first and last name.
2. Select your whole name.
3. Change the font color to blue.
4. Change the font to “Lucinda Handwriting.”
5. Change the font size to 72.
6. Type your street address.
7. Select your address.
8. Change the color of your address to red and the font size to 18.
9. Change the font of your address to “Tahoma”.

Exercise 2 – Working with
For this activity you may be required to search in the internet.
1.Prepare a three paragraph story:
2. 1st paragraph should be align left.
3. 2nd paragraph should be align center.
4. 3rd paragraph should be align right.

Exercise 3 - Working with
Text & Images (Text Wrapping)

1. Look for any picture
2. Paste it into your document and format it as a background image of your contents.


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