Sunday, December 8, 2013

MS Word Exercises - 1


The learner will be able to:

1.  Find and use the Insert Clip Art command at least 75% of the time

2.  Select and resize a picture using the picture handles

3.  Use the alignment buttons to center and left align text and pictures

4.  Insert a Date and Time Text field from the Insert Menu

 Create a Business Letter

A “Corporate Stripe” is a set of documents that have the company logo, fonts, and styles. This exercise allows you to practice formatting text and pictures while you create a business letter.

Type the company name and address
Open a blank Microsoft Word document. Type the following information:
Computers Are Us
555 Main Street
Brighton, MI 48116
(810) 555-1212

Select All of the text and use the Font options to format the type: 
            Tahoma, 12 point, bold, centered, and dark red

Select the first line of type and make it 14 point.

Insert a Picture from ClipArt
Go to Clips Online, the Microsoft Design Gallery
Search for a photo or cartoon of a computer
Select two or three images and Download them

Use one of the pictures for a company logo
Resize the picture
Center it above the Company name and address

Insert the Date and Time
Remember, the default Date and Time updates automatically. This option is not appropriate for medical or legal documents that must be date/time stamped, but is fine for this exercise.

Type a sample business letter:
Dear Sir,

Thank you for your order, yesterday. We will be shipping your parts by FedX ground.


Your Name

Save your practice document and name it: Beginning Word Practice 1. Save it to your flash drive or in your e-mail.


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